PLEASE Sign my
My Family

James A. Nelson - Sheryl Lynn Whiting
Rebecca (Nelson) Christians and Scott Nelson
Check out My Genealogy Portal. This is an interesting site as well
because it shows you "this date in history" info on our relatives
as well as many other features.
(as with this site I need to update a few things. ) Please feel
free to contact me I am especially hoping to connect with any cousins in
Norway or Sweden

Create your own visitor map
Behold the work of the old..
Let your heritage not be lost.
But bequeath it as a memory,
treasure and blessing...
Gather the lost and the hidden,
And preserve it for thy children.
Christian Metz 1846
I am desperately needing any family photographs new and old to personalize
our families so PLEASE scan some and email them to me!!!!!! (If you cannot get
them scanned send them to me with a self addressed stamped envelope and I will
scan them and return them to you)
basic site is just a starting point and I add new information every day so come
back often!! I will be breaking the families up in groups with history of
our families migration to America and stories of where and how they lived in the
old country. I have much data compiled on England Norway and Sweden and various
parts of America which will go in to the history of all individuals of our
family that have come before us. Farmers to shoe makers, captains to generals,
inventors to cowboys. If you would like to be on the mailing list when
updates are made to our family site send me an email! If you see
information is lacking in your branch of the family then I probably need
information from you about your spouses children etc.
Prepared by:
Scott Allen Nelson
California USA
WebMaster and Creator Scott A. Nelson
Please email me with questions or family information.
Send e-mail to:
